Some days backs I was surfing on youtube, and I found a very wonderful bollywood song from the Movie Bhool Bhulaiyaa (in English: The Maze). The name of the song is 'Mere Dholna Sun'.
You can find song and lyrics here. What I liked the most from this song is that it took me back to the basics I learnt during my first Karnatak lesson, namely to remember the 'Swaras' (the musical sound of a single note) and the 'Raaga' (the mode). I must confess I wasnt able to decipher which type of Talam (rythmic cyles) was used for this song. And I couldnt also find it... any suggestion?
Carnatic music is practised in Maya Malava Gowla Raga and Chatusra Jaathi Triputa Tala (or the well-known Adi Talam= composed of 8 aksharas and/or one unit of talam). Many different combinations of swaras are practiced in a minimun of three different speeds (tempus) and at the same time the speed of the Talam is kept constant.
-The first speed: one swara at the time, eg.:
Talam: Adi Talam - 8 aksharas/or unit of talam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
sa ri ga ma pa dha ni sa
sa ni da pa ma ga ri sa
-The second speed: two swaras are sung for one unit of talam
Talam: Adi Talam - 8 aksharas/or unit of talam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
sari gama padha nisa sani dapa maga risa
sari gama padha nisa sani dapa maga risa
-The third speed: four swaras are sung for one unit of talam
Talam: Adi Talam - 8 aksharas/or unit of talam
1 sarigama
2 padhanisa
3 sanidapa
4 magarisa
5 sarigama
6 padhanisa
7 sanidapa
8 magarisa
1 sarigama
2 padhanisa
3 sanidapa
4 magarisa
5 sarigama
6 padhanisa
7 sanidapa
8 magarisa
By increasing the speed it is meant to double the swaras from the previous speed.
-The fourth speed: eight swaras sung for one unit of talam (please note that you can only master this speed once you mastered the first 3 speeds...)
Talam: Adi Talam - 8 aksharas/or unit of talam
1 sarigamapadhanisa
2 sanidapamagarisa
3 sarigamapadhanisa
4 sanidapamagarisa
5 sarigamapadhanisa
6 sanidapamagarisa
7 sarigamapadhanisa
8 sanidapamagarisa
Now I want to come back to the song 'Mere Dholna sung'. I have extracted some combinations of swaras from the lyrics (minute 2:53) and would like to analyze the speed that is been sang and the varisaigal.
Swaravali Varisaigal= one swara
Sa Ni Dha = first tempo
Ni Dha Ma = first tempo
Ma Ga Sa Ni Dha Ni Sa Ga Ma = first tempo
Ma Ga Sa Ni Dha Ni Sa Ga = third tempo
Ma Ga Sa Ni Dha Ni Sa Ga = third tempo
Ma Ga Ma Ga = first tempo
Sa Ni Dha Ga Pa Dha Ni = third tempo
Sa Ni Dha Ga Pa Dha Ni
Sa Ni Dha Ni
Dha ni Sa = first tempo
Dha ni Sa
Dha ni Sa
Dha ni Sa
Ma Dha Ni = first tempo
Ma Dha Ni
Ma Dha Ni
Ma Dha Ni
Dha ni Sa = first tempo
Dha ni Sa
Dha ni Sa
Ma Dha Ni = first tempo
Ma Dha Ni
Ma Dha Ni
Ma Dha Ni Sa = thrid tempo
Ma Dha Ni Sa
Ma Dha Ni Sa
Ma Dha Ni Sa
Sa Ni Dha Ma = thrid tempo
Sa Ni Dha Ma
Sa Ni Dha Ma
Sa Ni Dha Ma
Swavarali Varisaigal = 2 times same swara
Ma Ma ga ga Sa Sa Ni Ni = thrid tempo
Sa Sa Ni Ni Dha Dha Ni Ni
Sa Sa Ni Ni Dha Dha Ma Ma
Sa Sa Ni Ni Dha Dha Ga Ga Re Re sa sa
Ni Ni Sa sa Sa
Ni Dha Sa sa sa
Ma Ga Sa sa sa
I hope that my guessing was right. In case you might find some mistake, please write a comment, I would be more than glad to know. "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new"....